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Our cats from HELL

As some of you may know, I am at the beginning stages of writing Political Suicide (2/15/13). The book continues the story of Dr. Lou Welcome, the protagonist of Oath of Office (2/14/2012). I shared a bit of the subplot with my readers on Facebook, where Lou agrees to get his daughter, Emily, a cat. Unfortunately—this cat ends up being the cat from HELL. So, I found myself in need of a cat name and ideas to get Lou’s excruciating experience going. In exchange, I picked two participants with memorable posts to win a book.

It's hard to get enough cat pictures these days... find some more fun images at http://www.cats-pictures.info/

Over 20 people answered my post with endearing and frightening stories. It was funny and inspiring to me that no matter how many drapes they rip up, friends they clawed or furniture they ruined—you still love them.

The prize goes to Mona Bloom who shared the story of a loyal Tabby that stood by her owner that was suffering from terminal cancer (and managed to injure the nurse) and to Kayla Scally, whose three year old cat ripped up upholstery, set his tail on fire and urinated all over her brand new mattress. Read their full responses on my Facebook page.

Thanks again for your thoughts. Feel free to share more fun (and frightening) cat stories on Facebook, Twitter or by commenting below. Stay tuned for more news about OoO.

Happy New Year.


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